Tuesday, October 16, 2007

creative imagination???

ok this is definitely not one of those profound posts..
this is one of those AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH kinda posts...

first things first.. my 3 year research is due next week. now this is one of those pass or you cant graduate kind of things and the grading is pretty high here. so everyone is FREAKING OUT. im not one to FREAK OUT. im one of those that says "well 70 means you pass, and 90 means you pass"... i'll take the 70. after 3 years, i could care less about my grade, i just WANT OUT OF HERE. so yes my lovely group - full of the idiots that i cant deal with. one of them is who i call the head bitch, she acts like she's next the best thing that happened to this planet. according to her she's right after oxygen and water ....
so i write up my part of the analysis and send it to the group and she writes up her part. i looked at her part, and it was CLEARLY lacking ANALYSIS. it was just a list in bullets format. how do you not ANALYZE something when the assignment is called ANALYSIS????
so i emailed her and told her "hey, you might want to expand on the bullets, because its worth 70% of our grade, and the prof asked us not to use bullets. thanks".
she emails me back and says "sorry, but i didnt want to just bullshit like you did. i actually said what i had to say without just rambling on like you. i hope that at a grad school level we can be concise, brief and still get the point around in a professional manner. im sorry you dont seem to understand that. thank you"


i decided to keep my cool. first of all im better than her and i wont stoop to her level. second of all im more mature than her and my graduation depends on this. i took couple of deep breathes and said forget it. later on in the week i had to meet with my group to finish some tings... and she kept saying "bullshit like we did before" "bullshit like that" "bullshit this and that"

so to keep my self from plunging at her and punching her until the word bullshit is erased from her memory, i had to use my imagination to keep sane. so i continued to imagine my self putting her in a HUGE ball like the hamsters have and rolling her down the highway and watching her roll around in that as cars pass her by. hahahaha... i also did imagine me putting her on a space ship and then one of those huge star trek things comes and blows her ship into little pieces and the pieces end up making the little star trek symbol. i even imagined that it was one of those WWF matches, LOL - i even used a chair. hahahahahaha

then i thought what could be worse than sitting in this meeting, something to cheer me up. lets see id rather be run over a snow plow repeatedly, id rather be projected off a ferris wheel into hot boiling pot of lava, or id rather have a bunch of ninja's kung fu kick my ass into space... etc

got me through the meeting without causing some permenant damage.. sometimes its just better to keep patient and calm. ALTHOUGH, it doesnt mean you cant IMAGINE things, what people dont see, people dont know. haha, whatever it takes to keep a cool front, cause thats what people see and thats what matters.


Keshi said...

hahaha soooo funny!

If i were u I'd just put her in a washing machine and watch.

How did u manage to keep so calm? I just cant.


Rani said...

@aditi: hmmm one word replies are not ure thing

@keshi: lol WASHING MACHINE - hilarious. well i had to keep calm, its not mature to just lash out like that u know? as much as i wanted to, my grade and my career depends on it.

Keshi said...

true...:) but I'd hv said something equally nasty to her. She sounds like a blockbuster BIATCH.


Ash said...


Anyway, good luck for the exams.

Rani said...

@keshi.. hahaha blockbuster biatch.. hilarious.

@ash: thanks much =)

Aditi said...

hmmmmm i dunno i think i am going into energy conservation for 2 weeks to deal with the hurricane of words later

Vik Rajagopalan said...

LOL too funny. Know something I love "CAT FIGHTS" ... plurrrrrrrr...

:-) too funny that response. Actually I loved her reply just shows how much she HATES you :D

Do one thing, dont antagonize her at work, rather when she is sleeping throw a big stone on her head :D

Vik Rajagopalan said...

Smarty, are you coming to India now?? I sensed so when I saw you say something like that in Aditi's post. May be I am wrong. Just wanted to double check :D

Keshi said...

u can add 'discount' voucher to that Blockbuster bit of her LOL! cheap biatch.


Rani said...

@aditi: are u referring to moi? cause u betcha!!

@vik: lol i like throwing stones at her .... i wish she was a witch and i in salem back then. i'd have stoned her to death....
no no no no sucky school doesnt let me, stupid career. after may'ish yea..
aditi's coming up here.. :)

@keshi: HAHAHA... dicount voucher, too good.