Wednesday, August 1, 2007


hmm lets see what have i been up to lately???

1. studied my butt off by staying up late late late every night for an exam
2. apparantly my teacher decided out of 8 chapters, only 3 were important, and the whole test focused on those 3 chapters. so when you have to come up with 40 Q's from 3 chapters - u'll go into crazy detail that NO one was prepared for.
i wasnt prepared for it.. the other 5 chapters and i both were like WTF? through out the whole test.
3. as i turned in the test, i had a im gonna kill you look on my face. my teacher looks at me and says "u always do good.. dont worry". i wanted to turn around and say "lookie here bitch, first of all dont tell me how i do and i dont do. second of all learn to write a test, and third of all, speak only when ure spoken to"
4. got another test back on the same day, from the same teacher. completely off grading. here's an example:
i wrote: IV disc of L4/5
correct answer: nucleus pulposus of IV disc of L4/5
i got: 2 out of 4 points
me: satisfied

my friend wrote: trapezius muscle
i wrote: splenius capitis
correct answer: splenius capitis
we both got 4 out 4 points

does TRAPEZIUS sound anything like SPLENIUS CAPITIS??????????????
all i did was miss part of the answer and i got 2 points taken off.. am i crazy or DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?
now clearly my teacher overlooked that and made a huge mistake. im not gonna go point it out cause then my friend will be at a loss of 4 points, but COME ON.... they dont even start with the same letter. thats like me saying POTATO and someone saying LOTION.

not even in the food category. lol... so that kinda pissed me off.

back to the counting now... where was i.. ahh #5 it is
5. group projects are the devil. im about to take my group and put 'em all on a diving board and then slowly push each person off the board into a tub of HOT LAVA. i would rather light my face on fire and then proceed to spalsh acid on it than work with them. no im not exaggerating. i swear!!!
6. oh yea.. if one more person tells me that they're engaged, i will take hand my self and to make sure i die, i will also slit my wrists and shoot my self in the jugular.
HOLY SHIT.. another friend of mine is engaged. so everytime i call someone..... oooo im picking china wanna come? ooo im making save the date cards wanna come help me?
ooo im looking for fun dresses wanna come? ooo ..
NO I DONT. does your life get usurped into this shit once u decide u wanna marry? geez, if thats how im gonna get, sorry no thanks i dont want to. but thats the girls..
usually my guy friends are really good about keeping in touch even if they are engaged cause well they dont have all this commotion to deal with. well not all, there are always exceptions. lol perhaps its ORDERS from the mrs. to be. hahahahahaha...

7. everytime i turn on the news i hear something about drunk lindsay lohan, or paris or one of those anorexic drug addicted girls who think that money can buy everything in life.. OR
people dying in war OR people getting rapped and molested or robbed and killed or whatever

IM ABOUT HERE WITH THIS MOROSE SHIT IN LIFE.... from now one goal for posts will be ONE GOOD THING ABOUT LIFE. (lol i'll try my best to keep it up... hehehehehe i seem to forget after a while)

here's my good thing about life for today: down time with friends. nothing like just chilling with friends doing NOTHING and cracking up....

sorry for the long post, guess i havent posted in a while. i promise soon i will stop bitching about school =)


Keshi said...

first of all do not apologise for LONG posts...this is ur blog so u can write anything u want and in any length :) HUGGGGGGGZ!

Good to hear u did well in ur test. I hate group projects!

**down time with friends.

I agree. but right now, I mean today, I broke up with a GOOD friend.


Aditi said...

u're funny when u're irritated.. how did the funny bone skip me and find u and lalz.. yeah recessed everywhere that is me
ohmygosh i have 2 weddings to attend in delhi on 30th of december.. talk abt crazy.. they are making save the date cards in india too..i was like what the?
soo share the irritation

Rani said...

@keshi: thanks....i know group projects totally suck..
aww read ure post, sucky and im sorry u broke up with ure friend. think of it this way, you guys didnt have anything in common anymore -- grew apart, may be for the best. although it always sucks to loose a friend.

@aditi: hahaha.. im glad my irritation is amusing you. hahaha, well the READING gene skipped me. i just made lalz tell me the ending of the 7th book, seeing as i never read the 5th or the 6th one. hahaha
ahhhh weddings!!

Kay Vee said...

same thought as keshi. dont apologise for long posts hun :)

u know wut choco, ure gonna look back at these times and ure gonna lugh out loud. and u will sure miss some of these days. i whine and grumble abt my projects and college fact im supposed to working on it right now...look at lazy me!
that wrong answer thing was unfair. maybe ur teacher overlooked it...anyway, ur frend cud be in for a loss if she still doesn't know the right answer.

take care!

Ash said...

I hate group projects too. And I agree with you on the news/media thing. I've actually stopped watching news on TV :)

Rani said...

@trinnie: i will look back at these times and i will laugh out loud of all the time i had with my friends.. not these annoying projects.. no no no no!!
hahaha i procrasinate too. im supposed to be working on my case report too.
g'luck on ure project.

@ash: i had stopped watching the news too... which is why posts tend to be on the more whinier and lighter side of thigns ..hahaha

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