Thursday, July 26, 2007

insane in the membrane...

ahh this is a suitable topic for many many many reasons..

apparently, the naive person that i am, i didnt know that there are people who smoke pot in the 10 min breaks in between classes at my school.
ok lets set some things straight here. what you do you on your own time DOESNT MATTER TO ME. if you choose to smoke pot after school at ure home or on the weekends - i could care less. thats your body and your brain that you voluntarily choose to destroy and hey, go right ahead - none of my damn business. BUT WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO SMOKE POT IN BETWEEN CLASSES??? that's moronic and stupid on whole different level. i mean think about it IDIOTS -
YOU WORKED FOR 23 YEARS TO GET TO GRADUATE SCHOOL.. uve busted your ass for 3 years in this hell hole. your passion is to treat people and make them better and you are throwing it all down the drain because ure too pussy shit to handle the stress at school ...
geez, wait the 8 hours and go smoke at home for goodness sakes.

in our rules and policies for school, it says any drug abuse and the student will be expelled. you have about 100,000 of loans hovering over ure life so getting kicked out because of smoking pot seems like the stupidest idea in the world. what you gonna do once ure kicked out??? smoke more pot to mellow out? how you gonna fund that habit? get a job? HAHA HOW? ure a pothead now. its on ure resume. where u gonna get the money to pay those loans back???

so what school is getting too hectic. GROW THE FUCK UP AND DEAL WITH IT. geezzzzzzz....
what are these people gonna do in the real world and at work?? smoke pot between patients ??
"oh keep stretching that hamstring.... i'll be right back" YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF LIVES AND URE GONNA SMOKE? most likely if you cant stay away from it at school, you're gonna do it at work. what then? whose gonna be responsible for ure patients? for the lives you are in charge of. are you gonna tell someone's grandchild that their grandpa died because you were smoking at work?

we as health professionals have a duty to stay sober and straight at work. school is work for us right now. if you cant stay straight at school i doubt you will at work. people like these sadden me. as a health professional you take the oath to serve others and put others above you.

i know i might be coming on a little strong about this. like i said i have no problem with people wasting their lives away after school. doing it in between classes is not acceptable. when you cant get away from an habit and it interferes with your daily activities (i.e. people leaving class to smoke pot) THEN YOU HAVE A PROBLEM OF ADDICTION.

most of my friends had tried pot and well looking at me to be honest with you everyone was shocked that i hadnt tried it.
lets see... i have taken my roomie to the ER because she OD'd on alcohol and pot and what not. i've treated people rehab'in from abuse of drugs, ive counseled people and well in the past couple of months ive seen not only the damage it does to the person physically and psychologically, but ive seen the damage it does to the family as well. lastly, ive studied the effects of all kinds of drugs on your brain and body and ive seen brains of drug addicts and compared it to normal brains. ive held 'em both in my hands simultaneously, haha its not surprise that the addicts brain was lighter.
SO NO.. ive never tried it and NO i never wanted to. not only have i seen the effects after death and studied them anatomically and physiologically, ive seem the physically and psychologically. i didnt like what i saw.

what i am trying to say is smoking pot here and there - sure fine. im not judging anyone, but when you have to smoke at school, in between classes YOU HAVE A PROBLEM AND YOU HAVE TO INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE TO DO SO.

say no to drugs!!!!


Kay Vee said...

u say u have held brains...?

creepy to hear of the mass difference in the addicts brain in the normals persons brain.

and it is quite sad that ppl who are going to be saving others life in some time are now going the delinquent way. i do have boys and girls in my class smoking and abusing drugs... its really quite sad. parents don't know what their kids are up to, they just think they are studying and must be tired wen they get home...

Anonymous said...

i have to agree with you that its stupid for them to smoke when they have class....i can say first hand smoking pot doesnt help any... even if they are stressed with school ....i know cause i once was one of those people and smoked pot all the time although i didnt do it between classes i did do it ALOT....but im happy to say i quit...and yes pooja i know you will argue with that

Keshi said...

thats indeed insane in the membrane!

I agree with u 100%. If ur in a place to study, then study. Smoking pot or whatever can b done when ur not studying. its that simple! Frikkin idiots should be banned from schools n Unis.


Vik Rajagopalan said...

Serious stuff eh.. Just take it easy SH. I might also echo your thoughts "INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE.." ** Blink Blink **

Relax it is the weekend whether people smoke weed or gang bang a pig... Just take it easy... Have a good and nice weekend and don't "pimp slap" the poor guy when you to work on Monda.. LOL

Rani said...

@trinnie: yea ive held brains. ive held sheep, cow and HUMAN BRAINS. i held brains 3 times a week for 10 weeks in neuroanatomy. it was actually quite fun.
and yes... its annoying when people who are trying to save lives are smoking it up!

@anony: LOL, u are right. I WILL ARGUE WITH THAT. blah blah quitting... but thats an arguement you and i will have for ever.

@keshi: yes... i hope so, may be it'll teach 'em a good lesson.

@vik: oh dear - dont tell me to relax, or chill or take it easy.
first of all i did say what they do in their OWN TIME is none of my business and I ALSO SAID THAT I DIDNT CARE ABOUT IT.
i said "it bothers me when they do it in between classes" cause that is a behavior they will continue at work WHERE THEY WILL BE IN CHARGE OF LIVES, NOT THEIR OWN BUT OTHERS.
thats whats making me angry. although, hahah i too am insane in the membrane =)

Ash said...

Smoking pot between classes ??

Insane indeed!

Keshi said...

wheres ya?
