Sunday, May 20, 2007


ok so the creepy dreams continue..
i had a dream that i was in the hospital and some friends were visiting me and we were in the gift shop for some reason
and i was eating a huge i mean humongous NEPHRON. now for those of you who dont know what that is, its the working part of you kidney and not visible to the naked eye upon disection of the kidney.
then somehow my friends convinced me that i was ok for discharge so i went on my merry way. apparantly on my way out i stepped on something and that thing hit me in the head (like the cartoons) and i fell.
then i woke up back in the hospital with people holding me down and restraining me as the put on a FOLEY CATHETER. OMG -- for those of you who have never had that done (i have never had that done, but ive seen it) or seen it its extremely painful. i mean a tube up in any hole is horrible, let alone that one. horribleee

i woke up completely scared and creeped out. oy ve, someone attempt at explaining this bizzare dream cause seirously this one is past my imagination.


Keshi said...

mebbe cos u work in hospitals...dun worry, it wont come true sweetie.


Aditi said...

ahh makes me feel better abt my freaky dreams.. last night it was that castle up in Massachusetts and a flood and politicians where we sought refuge.. and no drinking water..
etc.. bizarre
although eating a nephron
hmm wierdo

Aditi said...

oh and hide the link on your choco profile

Nadim said...

'foley...' omg! *hiding my crotch impulsively* is it also used on men ???? the pic on wiki shows a pic...
i thought sucha device could only be invented by a woman!

may be u need a vacation!

Rani said...

@keshi: yes, but even though you work somewhere it shouldn't be haunting you like this and eating HUMAN PARTS LIKE A NEPHRON - i am not a cannibal dude!!!

@aditi: well im glad to be here to make u feel better -- hahaha
and yes.. i know disgusting that i was eating a nephron

@nadim: YES.. it is used on both sexes.. since both sexes need to pee and when ure at the hospital and u cant walk - this is inserted to make it easier to collect urine. they do use local anesthetic to make it nicer


Varsha said...


Nephron eew...

I hate putting Foley's cath...esp in uncooperative old women..

Wish you sweeter dreams than this!!

Keshi said...



Rani said...

@varsha: i knowwww!!! it was SUPER gross..
thank god im not a nurse or a doctor.. i cant even imagine putting that in someone. dear lord.. PROPS TO YOU WOMAN!!

@keshi: =)